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Based on a 3.5-year research project using peer-reviewed scientific literature
Foreword by Nicola Scafetta, Professor of Physics, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Novel scientific harmonic planetary model for Astrologers
Reduces inconsistencies in planet and aspect theory
Discover how planetary alignments trigger sunspot/solar cycles and solar activity
Learn how planets form aspects during gravitational and electromagnetic connections
Discover the significant planetary systems that create astrological aspects and orbs
precisely by degrees and minutes
Find out how astrophysics can determine a planet's strength and how planets define
aspects and their strength
e-book PDF format for easy accessibility and usability
86 illustrations and 44 tables in full colour
14 Chapters (264 pages and 95,000 words)
Appendices and Endnotes (300+ references) (40 pages)