Catalyst Astrology
Transforming People's Lives
Transform your perception of yourself through deep mindset work that aligns with your vision and gains tangible results that help you achieve your aspirations.
This exclusive, inspiring, transformative geocosmic experience is for you if you want to invest in deep mindset work from someone who cares about your aspirations as much as YOU do—taking you to the NEXT LEVEL in personal and professional success!
These words resonate with you because you thrive on discovering new ways to expand your professional and personal life and seek solutions which enable you to create an extraordinary and exceptional life. After all, a high quality of life is essential to your well-being.
You recognise the value of embracing new personal development techniques and programmes that enable you to create unique solutions, adding significant value to your life.
To do this, you have often hired a highly experienced coach or a mentor but even experienced coaches and mentors are disadvantaged in delivering rapid results because it takes more than one coaching/mentoring session for them to understand who you are. In addition, they can only access limited information about you based on what you tell them.
Notably, this excludes the true essence of who you are and the key drivers behind your motivations, behaviours and beliefs.
What if... your coach/mentor knew you inside out before you had your first coaching session? Such as knowing exactly how your past shaped your life and identifying your motivations, behaviours, beliefs and an in-depth understanding of who you are without conversing with you.
I am sure you agree these DEEP INSIGHTS would be PRICELESS, provide faster results, significantly reduce your time spent being coached or mentored, and give you more time living your extraordinary life.
Astrology reveals your unique geocosmic DNA signature (Your astrological chart) which is similar to a fingerprint because no one has the same chart unless they are born precisely at the same time, location and birthdate.
Geocosmic planetary cycles, patterns, codes, and their harmonic insights have guided civilisations for centuries. They are frequently used today by celebrities, business leaders, politicians, royalty, venture capitalists, sales traders and investors.
"John Pierpont Morgan, the founder of the bank J.P. Morgan, once said that millionaires don't need astrologers, but billionaires do. The banker believed that to be successful in the market, you need more than just good timing".
Source: Let Me Read Your Hands by Joana Rodrigues Stumpo (2021). Vogue Magazine.
According to Wall Street investor David Birnbaum, Astrology is attracting significant investment from technology investors due to its high growth and is taken seriously in business and the financial markets.
Source: Venture Capital Is Putting Its Money Into Astrology by Erin Griffith (2019). New York Times.
During the last fifteen years, scientists have provided evidence that planetary cycles, alignments and patterns are partly responsible for the timing/duration of sunspots and solar cycles, influencing Earth's climate and producing seismic events. These findings provide evidence for planetary alignments used in astrology.
Callebaut, de Jager, and Duhau (2013) were forced to correct their position in response to Scafetta et al. (2013) rebuttal and admitted that "it is well known that there are some periodicities that are common to solar activity and planetary motions".
Source: Scafetta, N. (2023) "Tidally Synchronized Solar Dynamo: A Rebuttal" by Nataf (Solar Phys. 297, 107, 2022). Solar Physics (2023) 298:24
Check out at Keith's new e-book Scientific Astrology A Harmonic Planetary Model for Astrologers

It was a very profound experience working with him. You get tools to navigate and understand your personality on a whole new level. It feels like Keith knows you profoundly even though you have not yet met him in real life.
It felt very safe discussing my chart with Keith when we met for a Zoom to discuss what he had sent me. Together we went on a journey in my life, highlighting my opportunities and challenges and that everything that has happened in my life served a higher purpose. That the life I have lived so far has given me the tools for the future.
Epic Client Results....

Trevor Blake
Founder and CEO of Neovia Oncology and Trevorgblake.com LLC
NY Times bestselling author Three Simple Steps and Secrets to a Successful Startup.
I met Keith a few months after my wife died. After a 36-year marriage and always relying on my wife as a compass for life decisions, I felt a bit adrift at sea. I don’t even recall how I crossed paths with Keith but I am glad I did. Historically, I have been a bit of a sceptic on astrology and in other circumstances probably would have ignored the connection. Keith, however, blew my mind with not only his accurate reading but his sensitive understanding of all that was in my life. He did more than read my situation and encouraged me for the future. He also coached me... and I consider myself a supreme coach :) I didn’t think I needed coaching but actually, I did. He helped unlock deep insights about my life purpose and that actually gave me the motivation to carry on when I was thinking of doing the very opposite. I ignored the part in the reading when he suggested I would meet an inspiring partner and get married again because I didn’t want to hear it. At the time I could not imagine any other person in my life. It is probably close to two years since my wife died. I recently got married to the most amazing woman who inspires me to be the best version of myself. It is not lost on me that Keith has the right to boast ‘I told you so.’ What better recommendation can there be?

Eve Harmony
Naturopathic Doctor, Craniosacral Therapist, and Shamanic Ceremonialist
Keith was awe-inspiring. I felt like he was reading a book about my life with the details and events he could discover through my planetary alignments.
Since the astrological experience,
I understand myself better because he revealed some things that work for me that are somewhat unconventional and have been frowned upon by family and society.
Now, when those personality traits show themselves, I welcome my unique way of doing things differently that works for me and doesn't have to work for others.
I've consulted astrologers before, but I've never had so much detail and so many tools given.
I appreciate Keith's work and highly recommend his Catalyst Astrology Experience.

Leide Joy Nallama
Yoga Teacher
I had tears of gratitude quite a few times while listening to the astrological recording and during the Zoom call.
I found it overwhelming initially and needed to hear it often and take notes to take it all in. What first touched me was how Keith described my life purpose.
This tangible thing, the astrological chart, and the planets support what I have recently received from my higher self.
That is valuable because even though I am learning and trusting more, this permits me to go for it.
I have had an astrological reading before but never like this. It is so valuable and powerful. And I love it!
Thank you so much! You are so very supportive!

Jess Von Innerebner
Best Selling Author
I had the privilege of receiving a transformational astrological experience by Keith using Catalyst Astrology.
With amazing accuracy, Keith helped me gain a broader understanding of my past, my life purpose, and my authentic self. It was life-changing!
From there, he provided a 12-month path of least resistance to the future unfolding before me. With genuine honesty, this is serving me very well.
The recording of my Catalyst Astrology session is one I return to every month. It’s a beautiful reminder and helps me navigate present moments. It has been a wonderful soul compass to draw upon when needed.
If you have the opportunity to have a Catalyst Astrology experience with Keith, don’t hesitate. He is wildly talented, passionate, and a wonderful soul.

Catalyst Astrology Process
Transforming People's Lives

Geocosmic DNA Signature
Using your birth details (full birth date, time and location), Keith calculates, analyses and interprets your geocosmic DNA signature (astrological chart). He then unlocks your genius and life path and provides a multi-layered, in-depth interpretation of who you are, your life experiences and how past and present events have shaped your life. Keith focuses on specific aspects of your life and planetary code insights you need to know about relative to your life purpose and vision. In addition, he provides a conceptual navigational map for the following 12 months, which is later reviewed in stage 3.
Deliverables 1
60-minute In-Depth Astrological Recording
60-Minute 12-Month Navigational Map Recording.
Astrological Chart

Client Reflections
Your commitment and contribution are crucial to exceeding your expectations. After carefully listening to both 60-minute astrological recordings 2-3 times and making notes, identify what stands out most concerning your present situation and expectations. You will discover new information each time you listen to the recordings that could help you define your vision or life purpose. Highlight things that do and don't resonate with you because both are important. Once you're ready, create a list of questions about any challenges, opportunities and expectations in preparation for Stage 3 to maximise the time during our 90-minute recorded Zoom call.
Deliverables 2
Quality time to process both Astrological Recordings from
Stage 1 for Preparation for Stage 3.
The work is crucial during this stage to maximise results in Stage 3.

Clarifying Outcomes
During a 90-minute Zoom recorded conversation, you will present your questions and reflections from both astrological recordings. Keith will combine his expertise in astrology with his highly-tuned NLP, coaching and mentoring skills, taking you deeper into your geocosmic journey, making connections and creating a pathway of least resistance to achieving your desired outcome. Keith also contextualises your 12-month navigational map from step 1, representing an astrological and coaching support tool for the following 12 months.
Deliverables 3
Clarifying outcomes and contextualising the navigation map which acts as an astrological and coaching support tool covering 12 months.
90 minute Zoom Recording